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Y-chromosomal data of Dzungar-Mongols and Choros families

Regarding information about Dzungars and Mongolia, some poor quality web articles believe that entire Dzungars were destroyed by Qing Dynasty, which is actually very inaccurate.

"Genetic features of Mongolian ethnic groups revealed by Y-chromosomal analysis" contains information about Y-chromosome of Zakhchins in Mongolia, descendants of the Dzungars.

Imagine Zakhakin people, they are part of Dzungarian Mongolia. Zakhchin in Mongolian means zakh (border) + chin (people) They are an ethnic group in Mongolia with over 30,000 people. The Dzungarian people numbered between 400,000 and 500,000 people during their heyday. During Qianlong period of Qing Dynasty, they suffered heavy losses, but, of course, were not exterminated. Many descendants survived (Western Mongolia, border Altai region of Russia, Ili prefecture of China). ) The total number is about 70,000 people.

The Y chromosomes of Jaqin people, C account for 46.7%, O account for 20%, are two largest types, followed by N1a, which account for 8.3%, R1a, which account for 6, 7%, D, which accounts for 1.8%, other K (mainly N1b, etc.) 5.0% and P (R1b and Q) 8.3%, etc.

The type of division of Zhaqin people under O is very characteristic, which is clearly different from that of Han people. O2 accounts for only 6.7%, O1b2 with Japanese and Korean characteristics accounts for 5.0%, and other Os account for 8.3%. Highest .

From data from Kalmyks belonging to Oirat Mongolia and Europe, we know that proportion of O in Western Mongolia is lower than in Eastern Mongolia, and its composition is generally characterized by a high proportion of O1b and a relatively low proportion of O2, including Japan and South Korea .The common O1b2, especially lower O1b1a2, corresponds to largest family in Turgut tribe. This type is now mainly distributed among Han people in eastern part of Shandong Province and on Liaodong Peninsula.

As direct descendants of Dzungars, Zakin people of Mongolia must have same Y-chromosome composition as Dzungars.

Let's talk about royal family.

The Mongolian Golden Family (Borzhijin = Borzhijin = Borzigit) and Choros Family (Vala tribe) are two most important families in Mongolian history, but this article shows that there are some differences between them.

It is very remarkable that royal clan of Zakhakin people is Choros clan, that is, Galdan clan. The Y-chromosome of C2-M407 clan, and chromosome of Dayan Khan clan is C2-M407. The relationship between them is very close.

This makes us suspect that after unification of Eksian (Esen) Tatar tribes, throne of Golden Family will most likely be lost as a result of political conspiracy of Choros family.

Below is network diagram of C2-M407 drawn by networking software in source text of this article. You can see Choros family of Zakhakin people (convergence point on left) and Dayan Khan family of Khalkha people (left, lateral convergence point) still very close.

In addition to Dayan Khan family (belonging to southern branch of C2), modern human big data and ancient DNA data indicate that Genghis Khan himself most likely belongs to C2-Y4541 (belongs to northern branch of C2). .

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