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DNA data of ancient inhabitants of Chang'an during Tang Dynasty discovered and made public for first time

On July 18, 2022, Jilin University team published DNA data of an ancient tomb in Shuangzhao City, Chang'an Province in middle of Tang Dynasty at DGDC (National Genome Science Data Center). For residents of capital, this data is publicly available.

DNA data of ancient inhabitants of Chang'an during Tang Dynasty discovered and made public for first time

All three people belonged to middle of Tang Dynasty (represented by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty), and they all came from Tomb No. M56. Only 2 women and 1 man. D4a1e, female M9a.

Researchers have described that although these three individuals were in same tomb (#M56), they were not genetically related to each other (genomic data showed that these co-buried individuals were not genetically related) DNA data of ancient inhabitants of Chang'an during Tang Dynasty discovered and made public for first time

After a comprehensive review of evidence recorded in archaeological and historical documents, researchers concluded that three people were buried together (a lot of evidence, including archaeological, historical records, and chemical and genetic analyzes, indicate a very likely family origin). joint burial of husband and wife)

Using autosomal analysis, researchers found that all three of these individuals belonged to gene pool of ancient population of Central Plains, represented by Neolithic Yangshao culture and Longshan culture, and belonged to same type. (all belonged to gene pool of ancient populations of Central Plains, represented by individuals of Yangshao and Longshan, etc.). In terms of genetics, these three Central Plains residents in ancient city of Chang'an have no obvious genetic differences from modern Han Chinese, but time and space span thousands of years.

DNA data of ancient inhabitants of Chang'an during Tang Dynasty discovered and made public for first time

(Part of image of the five kings returning at night)

DNA data of ancient inhabitants of Chang'an during Tang Dynasty discovered and made public for first time

Painting of tomb of Tang Dynasty (not Shuangzhao city)

In addition to Tang Dynasty metropolitan area, DNA data from people in border areas of Tang Dynasty has also been found. For example, in an article I published earlier, "Ancient DNA in Dunhuang Miaowang Foyer Shows Ethnic Migration in Dunhuang Area During Sixteen Kingdoms Period." There is DNA evidence from Tang Dynasty in Dunhuang area. Paternal and maternal lines: paternal O1b1a1b-F4370 (maternal G1a2'3'), paternal O1b1a2b2-CTS1451 (paternal C7a1c), paternal O2a2b1a1a1c-CTS10738 (maternal H7b), according to Dunhuang, paternal lines of these border people are mainly from North China , and a few from South China, but among female lines, one maternal line is West Eurasia H7b. This shows openness of Tang Dynasty. The fathers of some of frontier people were from Central Plains, but their mothers were probably Hu people from western regions.

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