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Ancient Sumerian DNA data shows that they are typical Middle Easterners, and their descendants still live in Middle East.

In May 2020, Neolithic to Bronze Age Genomic History of Anatolia, Northern Levant and South Caucasus (Anatolia Peninsula from Neolithic to Bronze Age, genetic history of Northern Levant and South Caucasus) presents ancient DNA data from this region. Near East between 8500 and 3200 years ago, including Ebla. The ancient DNA data of ancient city (Ebala) shows that ancient Sumerians were typical inhabitants of Middle East in paternal, maternal and euchromatic lines.

Ancient Sumerian DNA data shows that they are typical Middle Easterners, and their descendants still live in Middle East.

1. Sample Information

A total of 110 new DNAs from ancient human bones located in Anatolian Peninsula, northern Levant and South Caucasus, which are over 5,000 years old, have been studied in this article.

Ancient Sumerian DNA data shows that they are typical Middle Easterners, and their descendants still live in Middle East.

Among them, ancient city of Ebla in Syria is considered earliest Ebla_EMBA (meaning Early and Late Bronze Age of Ebla), and Early Bronze Age belongs to third period of Bronze Age (Early Bronze III), and time is 4750-4550 years ago (2750 -2550 BC), period coincides with Sumerians (Sumerians), 11 samples in total.

Ancient Sumerian DNA data shows that they are typical Middle Easterners, and their descendants still live in Middle East.

2. Information about father and mother

Among 11 accessions, a total of 6 paternal males were successfully typed and type was J1a2a1a2 representing 50%, followed by E1b1b1b2a1a1 (16.7%), G2a (16.7%) and T1a1 (16.7%). All four types are common in modern Middle East.

Ancient Sumerian DNA data shows that they are typical Middle Easterners, and their descendants still live in Middle East.

8 individuals were successfully typed on maternal line, namely J1b1b1(2), U3b3(1), U3b2a1(1), U8b1a2b(1), T2c1+146(1), H14a(1), K1a4 (1) etc., all of which are common in modern Europe and Middle East, and no common types have been found in East Asia.

3. Genetic links to other ancient populations and modern humans

This ancient Sumerian DNA data (Ebla_EMBA) shows that, compared to other ancient populations, they are more closely related to populations from Paleolithic to Bronze Age (South Levantine Epipaleolithic-Bronze Age) are fully consistent with each other, and ancient population in this area is source of Sumerians, which is mutually confirmed by the data of archaeological research.

Ancient Sumerian DNA data shows that they are typical Middle Easterners, and their descendants still live in Middle East.

Compared to modern times, largest patrilineal type of Sumerians, J1a, is still widely distributed in Arabian Peninsula. The modern Jordanian Hashemite family and royal family of Saudi Arabia belong to different subtypes of this large type. Among Marsh Arabs of modern southern Iraq, share of this type can reach more than 80%. E1b1b is widely distributed in Mediterranean, and famous Napoleon, a native of Mediterranean in Corsica, is a descendant of this type. G2a was a native of Turkish peninsula (Anatolian peninsula) in ancient Neolithic era and spread agriculture in Europe, and was also found in ancient Rome. Type T is a common type in ancient Levant (Levant), one of founders of most ancient Middle Eastern civilization.

The ancient Sumerians, regardless of paternal or maternal line, have not yet found East Asian types, they are typical Middle Eastern people, and descendants of same type on paternal and maternal lines still exist in modern Middle East in crowd.

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