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'Science': Ancient Japanese DNA Shows Japanese Ancestors Mostly Came From Northern China

Science App just published article "Ancient genomics reveals tripartite origin of Japanese populations" dated September 18, 2021, which indicates Jōmon period (16500-3000 years ago, Jōmon period), Yayoi period (Yayoi period, 3000 -1700 years ago), Kofun period (Kofun period, 1700 years ago) latest ancient DNA data.

Rediscovered 9 people:

JpOd274: 4 169–4 339 cal BC (6 204 ± 85 cal BC)

JpOd6: 3984–4229 cal BC (6 057 ± 123 cal BC)

JpOd181: 3801-3967 cal BC (5 834 ± 83 cal BC)

JpOd282: 3787–3952 cal BC (5 820 ± 83 cal BC)

JpKo2: 2344-2564 cal. BC. (4404 ± 110 cal. BC; Middle Jomon)

JpKo13: 1897-2028 cal. BC. (3913 ± 66 cal. BC; late Jōmon)

JpIw32: 541-603 AD (1378 ± 31 cal. BP)

JpIw31: 573-647 AD (1340 ± 37 cal. years)

JpIw33: 595-655 AD (1325 ± 30 cal days)

This latest big piece of ancient DNA surprisingly confirms what everyone had previously guessed: after Japanese aborigines (jomon) evolved independently for tens of thousands of years, they were inhabited by a North Asian population at least 2,300 years ago. ., and 1700 years ago people from East Asia again immigrated to Japan, and today they have become main source of Japanese national autosomes. According to article, more than 60% of modern Japanese Gene comes from population of East Asia is represented by Northern Han Chinese (CHB).

In terms of a large population, approximately 65% ​​of modern Japanese genes come from East Asians, 20% from North Asians, and 15% from ancient aborigines.

The PCA distribution map shows that autosomes of ancient Japanese in Kofun (Kofun era) are related to ancient inhabitants of Yellow River basin (Yellow River, Yangshao culture, Longshan culture), ancient inhabitants of North China (Northern Chinese, Xiaojingshan, Bianbiandong)) completely coincide , and there are some differences with ancient people of Western Liao River Basin (Western Liao River, such as Hongshan culture, Upper Xiajiadian), and differences with ancient people of southern China (Southern Chinese) are more obvious.

Based on main admixture components, ancient people in Japan developed independently during Jōmon Jōmon period, and are not related to any ancient people in other parts of Asia.

In ancient Yayoi era, ancient Japanese appeared to be somewhat similar to ancients in Baikal region (Lake Baikal), and this time was 2300 years ago (equivalent to end of Spring and Autumn period in China). ).

The time has come 1700 years ago (equivalent to era of Three Kingdoms and Jin Dynasty). During Kofun era, DNA of ancient Japanese showed an autosomal composition very similar to that of ancient Chinese in Yellow River basin, but mixed blood retained some fraction of Jōmon era. The composition of ancient inhabitants differed from ancient inhabitants of Yellow River basin, and this situation continues to this day.

This article also reported on Y-chromosomes and mtDNA of different ancients at same time. Aboriginal paternal lineage in ancient Jōmon Jōmon period was mainly D, and later Yayoi period (Yayoi period, 3000-1700 years ago), Kofun period (paternal ancient tomb era line, 1700 years ago) is mostly O, and people in Japan mostly use O mixed with a certain amount of D, which continues to this day.

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