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Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

Many people know fact that an organization called European Union has been created in Europe. Although there are still many disagreements and internal contradictions within this organization, EU has its own currency, borders of different countries have been completely liberalized, and so on.

In fact, historically speaking, there have been more and more intense internal wars between European nations than on any other continent in world. But after Second World War, most of countries of Europe united.

The current Russian-Ukrainian conflict is essentially a battle of ideas and ideologies between "New Europe" and "Old Europe". Personally, I believe that eventually Europe is likely to be fully integrated.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

But looking back, we still find that almost all countries in Asia do not have "alliances". In foreseeable future: likelihood of an Asian League is also very small, if not impossible.

Today we will discuss a topic that interests many more: why Europe can form European Union, why Asia cannot form Asian Union? Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

Since modern times, there have been four powerful powers in history of Europe, namely: Great Britain, France, Germany and Tsarist Russia. There were many large-scale wars between these countries, such as: Franco-Prussian war, Napoleon's war for unification of Europe, First World War, Second World War, wars in Balkans.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

In fact, starting from 14th century, development of Europe began to develop rapidly. With advent of Renaissance, Europe finally began to shake off long dark and ignorant era of Middle Ages.

Subsequently, famous "First Industrial Revolution" broke out in Europe. In following years, development of Europe entered an ultra-fast stage, until European powers began to colonize foreign countries.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

By way, reason why Europe was able to take lead in entering an industrial civilization in modern times was mainly because Renaissance, return of human nature and liberation of thought played a vital role.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

Europe, having entered industrial civilization, will inevitably embark on path of external expansion, colonization and even robbery. This is due to nature of industrial production, such as: market, factors of production and other conditions.

On other hand, speed of development of Asian countries has clearly lagged behind Europe in our time. Everyone is interested in comparing developments of one period and it will be clear. Let's see: what were Asian countries doing when first industrial revolution took place in Europe?

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

During first industrial revolution, our side was during reign of Qianlong. At present, many complain about Qianlong. In fact, gulf between us and West has widened since time of Qianlong - Qianlong indirectly led to our backwardness and backwardness in modernity. However, Qianlong was only "spokesman" of time, and what Qianlong did was universal.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

Currently, Japan in Asia is in Edo period. Roughly speaking, it is also a closed country and a model based on agriculture. There is nothing to say about other Asian countries. The Indian region is in a state of "separatist rule" and is about to be colonized, and rest are mainly in era of agriculture.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

Starting in 19th century, European industrial civilization began to violently clash with Asian agricultural civilization. There is no need to analyze specific results. Our side is called Opium War, and "Black Ship Incident" happened on Japanese side. In short, Asians were completely defeated by European colonists.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

In next period of time, all Asian countries do one thing: learn from West, for example: Westernization movement in Qing Dynasty, Reform Movement of 1898 and New Deal in late Qing Dynasty, transition from Asia to Europe, and so on .

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

Then followed World War I and World War II. In fact, root cause of two world wars was unequal division of world interests between European powers.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

Ultimately, Second World War should be seen as a continuation of First World War - Germans fought hard to break Versailles system, which was seriously disadvantageous to them after First World War.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

It wasn't until after World War II that Europe really took up alliance's activities. At first it was called: European Community, later it became what is now called European Union.

Actually, this also illustrates problem: it is impossible to achieve "alliance and unity" by conquest by force. For example, Germany and Japan failed one after other during World War II.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?
So why did Europe make an alliance after World War II, and why can it make an alliance? Let me analyze reasons:

1. Two world wars started in Europe, so many European countries have realized this problem. Mutual alliance is more conducive to preventing outbreak of a new world war, and also more conducive to peaceful development among European countries and prevention of war.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

2. After end of World War II, two alliances were actually formed in Europe - NATO and Warsaw Pact. The countries of Western Europe formed NATO to oppose mighty Soviet Union, countries of Eastern Europe simply formed Warsaw Pact to oppose NATO. This is external environment that led Europe to create an alliance.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

3. After Second World War, three of traditional European four could no longer survive: France, Great Britain and Germany - The country is divided in two. Thus, Great Britain, France and Germany wish to form an alliance.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

The last and most important reason: American factor. After World War II, all of Europe was virtually in disarray. The Americans gradually gained dominance in some European affairs through their actions in World War II, assistance and post-war assistance in rebuilding Europe.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

In order to allow Europe to rebuild its forces as soon as possible to counter Soviet Union, Europe's alliance with Americans played a very important role. With collapse of Soviet Union, Americans became extraterritorial leaders of European countries, and European countries also formed alliances and united around United States.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?
Having analyzed background and reasons why European countries can form alliances, let's analyze again: why have Asian countries still not been able to form effective alliances?

Before Second World War, Asian countries never thought about creating an alliance. There are two main reasons for this:

Firstly, many Asian countries were not independent at that time and were still under Western colonization, for example, countries of Southeast Asia, India, and so on. These countries have no control over their own destiny at all, and alliances are out of question.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

Secondly, Asian countries were dominated by an agricultural civilization. A concrete manifestation of this civilizational model is model of imperial power. Anyone who understands history knows that imperial model of power requires isolation and isolation from outside world.

In this state, Asian countries don't even have concept of a modern country, so how can they talk about alliances?

The simplest example: before Opium War, Qing Dynasty saw itself as center of world. Let's face it: at that time, Asian countries did not know about alliances, they did not know that world is so big, and everyone closed their doors.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

Among other factors, Japan became first country in modern history to organize or even unify Asia.

After Meiji Restoration, Japan gradually became stronger. Japan won Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War. Before World War II, Japan came up with an idea: to drive Westerners out of Asia completely, and then become first brother in Asia.

However, war of aggression launched by Japan failed completely, and this idea or behavior went to grave with Japanese invaders.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?
Let's focus again: why didn't Asian countries form an alliance after World War II? Let me name main reasons:

Firstly, at that time, two powers actually formed in Asia: Americans and Soviets, but main battlefield between United States and Soviet Union for hegemony was not in Asia, so Soviet Union did not actively promote Asian Sports Alliance , and Americans have no motivation for this.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

Second, after World War II, Americans didn't need many countries in Asia to form alliances.

A less united Asia is more in interests of Americans, because Americans play a key role behind scenes in many things in Asia.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

Thirdly, there is no leader in Asia that everyone admires, and Europe is led by Americans.

But look at Asia: which country serves which? It seems that no country can be big brother at moment. Now they are basically playing their own game, Japan, South Korea, US and ASEAN have established their own organizations and so on.

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?

Another main and important reason is that Asian countries have different understanding of world, different understanding of human nature and different beliefs. It should be so-called: different paths do not collude with each other!

Why can Europe make an alliance while Asia always fights alone?
Finally, to summarize: why Europe can be a union, but not Asia, if you do not take into account historical reasons. The most important reason at this stage is this: many European countries already have a so-called "common persecution" and Americans are trying their best to make Europe their little brother. But now in Asia, after Americans have their allies, there is no such urgent need. In addition, Asian countries have different models, different concepts of development and different speeds, so it is difficult to unite.

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