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What is result of abolition of Chinese characters in Vietnam? I can't read literary works of my people

Vietnam has a historically close relationship with China. In ancient times, Loyue in northern Vietnam belonged to a branch of Baiyue people. After Qin Shi Huang conquered Baiyue in south, he founded Xiang County in Loyue region. Since then, it has become a part of Chinese history. Under Han Dynasty, original Xiang County was divided into three counties, Jiaozhi, Jiuzhen, and Rinan, and Jiaozhi gradually became name of northern Vietnam. From Qin and Han dynasties to Tang dynasty, Jiaozhi had several short-lived local separatist regimes, but it was under jurisdiction of Central Plains Dynasty most of time.

What is result of abolition of Chinese characters in Vietnam? I can't read literary works of my people

During Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, Vietnam was moving towards independence. But by name, Vietnam has always been a vassal state of Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing and has always used Chinese characters. Vietnam's legal system also imitates system of Chinese dynasty, which can be called a replica of China. During late Le Dynasty (1428–1789), Le Thanh Tsung ordered Wu Shilian to compile "Complete Book of Dai Viet Historical Records". This is first complete official book on history of Vietnam. The whole book uses revision model of official Chinese history, and it is also written in classical Chinese. Later, this history book was constantly improved and supplemented, and it became most important history book for studying history of Vietnam.

What is result of abolition of Chinese characters in Vietnam? I can't read literary works of my people

In addition to "Complete Book of History of Dayue", there are also documents such as "A Brief History of History of Yue" and "A Brief History of Beginning Annans", which are mainly written in Classical Chinese and Chinese. Writing style. In fact, ancient Vietnamese literary works are mostly written in Chinese, and their style is same as in China. Vietnamese poets have written many beautiful prose and poetry works, and allusions used in these works are mostly Chinese cultural allusions. It can be seen that Vietnamese culture is also an important branch of Chinese literature.

Saying goodbye to rivers and lakes for decades, Hayman sets out on a boat tonight. The heart of wave is huge, moon is in Cangzhou, and shadows of trees are uneven. The past is hard to find, but past is easy, and favor of country is not repaid, and old man is pathetic. All my life I have been alone with my worries, sitting in a cold blanket and not sleeping at night. —— "Feelings of Night Mooring in Haikou" by Ruan Wei

In ancient Vietnam, imperial examinations were also held, and Confucian classics were used as examination subjects. The influence of Taoism on Vietnam is also very extensive. Vietnamese folk customs are similar to those of China, using lunar calendar and celebrating traditional festivals such as Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. The Vietnamese people worship Nuva as a symbol of reproduction.

What is result of abolition of Chinese characters in Vietnam? I can't read literary works of my people

During Chen Dynasty (1226-1400), a new square character, "Zi Nan", was introduced in Vietnam. Since then, both Chinese characters and Zi Nan have been used in Vietnam. Since then, Vietnamese characters have grown and famous literary works such as "Gong Yuan Yin Song", "Biography of Jin Yunqiao", "Biography of Hua Jian" and "Biography of Liao Yun Xian" have appeared. Although word Nom is not a Chinese character, it is also created by imitating Chinese characters, belongs to same writing system as Chinese characters, and even relies on four tones and eight rhythms in poetry.

What is result of abolition of Chinese characters in Vietnam? I can't read literary works of my people

But that has become history. After Sino-French War, Vietnam became a French colony. France abolished Chinese characters in Vietnam and forced Vietnamese to use Latin alphabet to write Vietnamese. In 1919, Vietnam officially abolished Chinese characters and imperial examination system was accordingly abolished. After Ho Chi Minh unified Vietnam, he declared Vietnamese characters of Latin alphabet "national language" and provided in subsequent constitution that only citizens who could read and write characters of national language were eligible to be elected, so Chinese characters were completely separated from this land.

What is result of abolition of Chinese characters in Vietnam? I can't read literary works of my people

Inconspicuous couplets about Vietnamese Spring Festival

Nowadays, Vietnamese have a hard time understanding their country's ancient documents, and phenomenon of cultural error has been observed throughout country. The ethnic literature they read has been translated and is no longer original. Vietnam, as an oriental country and a country that has used Chinese characters and characters for a long time, resolutely abandoned its traditional culture and adopted Western culture. This approach not only does not promote exchange with China, South Korea and Japan in East Asia, but also does not promote cultural inheritance, and therefore caused a lot of controversy in his own country.

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