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1925, old photographs of capital of South Korea, streets are full of Chinese characters, like a small village

Today, identity card of a Korean will have brackets. The Chinese characters in brackets are also name of ID card holder. In order to avoid confusion caused by a large number of repeated names, and to clarify For a better explanation of name, name of Chinese character is also an integral part.

1925, old photographs of capital of South Korea, streets are full of Chinese characters, like a small village

The "Hangul" mentioned here is a phonetic script widely used in South Korea, and around 1950s, South Korea issued clear laws and regulations against use of Chinese.

However, before adoption of law, Chinese characters occupied a very important place in South Korea. A photo taken in Seoul shows that in today's society it looks like a small village. distinctive signs all over street.

1925, old photographs of capital of South Korea, streets are full of Chinese characters, like a small village

Over time, Seoul was also renamed Seoul. As capital of South Korea today, what is connection between it and Chinese characters almost a hundred years ago?

Korean Peninsula Letter

Writing is a tool of regional communication, a testament to civilization, a record of tradition, and a custodian of regional change.

1925, old photographs of capital of South Korea, streets are full of Chinese characters, like a small village

Here you need to clearly distinguish between concept - difference between Chinese characters and language. Language, as name suggests, is everyday language used in communication rather than in books or on more formal occasions, while words should be treated and used strictly as written language.

The Korean Peninsula, a peninsula adjacent to mainland China, was once ruled by Chinese dynasties, so it cannot escape influence of Chinese characters. So, for a long time he had his own language, but did not form a complete system of writing.

Even at that time, dynasties in China had close ties with North Korea, and political activities such as trade or tribute often took place.Therefore, Chinese characters were introduced into North Korea, used for education, records, etc. . , more formally During Joseon Dynasty, even name of capital "Seoul" was borrowed from Chinese language.

1925, old photographs of capital of South Korea, streets are full of Chinese characters, like a small village

Over time, people's desire to have their own language is getting stronger and louder. If you like watching Korean variety shows these days, you might know that there is a very famous game called Hunmin Jeongeum.

The rule of this game is not to use foreign words or foreign words. However, foreign words make up a very large part of Korean language and have entered daily life, so it is very easy to make mistakes in this game.

The name of game is a book written by famous King Sejong Great - "Hongmin Jeongum". Among them is Hangul, which is widely known Korean language today.

1925, old photographs of capital of South Korea, streets are full of Chinese characters, like a small village

This is a great product created by voice of nation, and in order for people to quickly learn this language, to get to know it as soon as possible to communicate, so developed language is very easy to understand.

However, during Joseon Dynasty, hangul could only be distributed among people and could not be used as a "character" in high society. To some extent, it existed as a "language". . Only aristocratic class can learn and use Chinese.

However, a newly born language cannot easily erase deep influence of Chinese characters on it, and Chinese culture was a decisive influence at that time. "Boycott of Storm".

1925, old photographs of capital of South Korea, streets are full of Chinese characters, like a small village

The subsequent history did not spare capital that stopped and watched. The mighty style of Japan forced North Korean government to "break away from Han." When they finally became independent, Korea was finally born.

However, during this complex process, South Korea was also heavily influenced by Westernization and independent culture. For sake of national identity and pursuit of national prosperity and development, "De Han Movement" has risen. ". Many feel that a unique language should be used that can represent nation itself.

However, this grandiose concept is still difficult to easily replace widespread use of Chinese among people, and signs posted by street vendors are still mostly written in Chinese, so description described in preface appears Scenes Seoul. In 1950s, rules officially appeared that marked rejection of "Chinese characters".

1925, old photographs of capital of South Korea, streets are full of Chinese characters, like a small village

A successive series of measures began to remove Chinese characters from education and deprive language in order to spread education. Obvious effect.

Disputes around

Over time, modern Korean language Hangul seems to have become widespread in China. However, looking back at history of Hangul, we can find that production of Hangul was heavily influenced by Old Chinese, and it even retained pronunciation of some regional Chinese dialects and input tone system of Old Chinese.

1925, old photographs of capital of South Korea, streets are full of Chinese characters, like a small village

In Seoul, where Chinese has been widely spoken for many years, Hangul inevitably has a different shadow. And Korean, as a phonetic script, is somewhat similar in some respects to "pinyin" we use to learn "Chinese".

As a tool to help "language" we can spell it as long as we can see it and we can read text clearly with correct pronunciation. However, when studying "character" it is very easy to create ambiguity. Today The same is true for Korean language.

Several words with different meanings can correspond to same pronunciation. This may be a slight regret, caused by emphasis on ease of understanding and language expression in development of this language. So for a while, South Korea sparked a wave of Chinese language revival.

1925, old photographs of capital of South Korea, streets are full of Chinese characters, like a small village

With China's continuous development, steps in international arena are becoming more and more firm. The people who once insisted on "getting rid of Han" for sake of national development, once again reflect on past, whether they should "welcome Han" again and become For some time now, public opinion has been in direction of many debates.

To this day, this vast topic has not yet been discussed with a clear result. In South Korea, Chinese still exists as an out-of-school tutoring or as an independent optional course in schools. it considers mastery of Chinese language as a necessary skill for social development.

1925, old photographs of capital of South Korea, streets are full of Chinese characters, like a small village

For ordinary Koreans today, Chinese may be just a thousand-character script learned in school, brackets after an ID card name, or a few new words that occasionally come up in everyday life, and not too many of them affect their work or social life .


Language, writing, two systems that cannot be confused with each other, but they have a profound influence on each other. Proverbs and Chinese, two languages ​​that today are separated by state borders, were in harmony with each other millions of years ago.

Whether to get rid of Chinese language and whether to revive Chinese language again has become an acute question. At this stage, we cannot yet give an exact answer, neither we, as observers, nor those who are deep in center of whirlpool. Time will write us an answer, in Korean or Chinese, we don't know.

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