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9 great empires in ancient world history: history of Chinese empire is not longest

Persian Empire (before 553-1736). The Persian Empire was first empire in world and one of longest in history. The mainland of territory is Iranian Plateau, and during its period of strong rule it ruled Western Asia and North Africa. The main dynasties tested were Achaemenid dynasty (553 years ago - 334 years ago), Parthian Empire (247 years ago - 226 years ago), Sassanid dynasty (224 years ago - 651 years), Saman dynasty (874~999), Safavid dynasty (1501- 1736), Afshar dynasty and others

9 great empires in ancient world history: history of Chinese empire is not longest

Macedonian Empire (before 330-64). The Macedonian Empire was a Hellenistic era, an empire founded after eastern campaigns of Alexander Great. After death of Alexander, empire broke up into several kingdoms: Seleucus, Ptolemy and Macedonia. Among them, Seleucid dynasty lasted until 64 BC. and was finally destroyed by Roman Empire.

9 great empires in ancient world history: history of Chinese empire is not longest

Indian Empire (322-1858 BC). During period of Ashoka (273-232 BC), Magadha unified entire subcontinent of South Asia and became largest empire of that time. After Mauryan dynasty, relatively unified dynasties that emerged in Indian history included Gupta dynasty, Delhi Sultanate, and Mughal Empire.

9 great empires in ancient world history: history of Chinese empire is not longest

The Chinese Empire (221-1912 BC) is longest empire in world. After Qin Shi Huang unified six kingdoms in 221 BC, China entered imperial era, and then experienced Han Dynasty, Wei Jin Dynasty, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Yuan, Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty. and other dynasties.

9 great empires in ancient world history: history of Chinese empire is not longest

The Roman Empire (31-1453 BC). In 31 BC Octavian was crowned as "Augustus" and Rome entered imperial era. After that, Roman Empire survived Claudian, Flavian and Antonine dynasties. In 395, Roman Empire split in two, and Western Rome fell in 476. Eastern Rome lasted until 1453 and survived 12 dynasties.

9 great empires in ancient world history: history of Chinese empire is not longest

Arab Empire (632-1258). The Arab Empire is an Islamic empire founded in 632, headed by a caliph. Subsequently, Arab Empire at an early stage united all of Western Asia under leadership of four main Kharihs. Later came Umayyad dynasty and Abbasid dynasty, which at that time were one of most extensive empires in world. In 1258, Mongols invaded Baghdad, officially announcing collapse of Arab Empire.

9 great empires in ancient world history: history of Chinese empire is not longest

Mongol Empire (1206-1757). In 1206, Temujin united Mongol highlands and founded Mongol Khanate. Since then, Mongolia has built up a large empire spanning Eurasian continent through continuous conquest from east to west. After death of Mengge, Mongolia broke up into Yuan dynasty and four great khanates. There are many countries and dynasties in Mongol Empire, and relatively powerful of them are Golden Horde, Chagatai Khanate, Timur Khanate, Dzungar Khanate and Kazakh Khanate. In 1757, Dzungar Khanate was destroyed by Qing Dynasty, and last unified Mongol Khanate perished.

9 great empires in ancient world history: history of Chinese empire is not longest

Turkish Empire (550-1921). Turkey, also known as "Turk", has long been active in ancient times and in depths of Asian continent. In 550 AD, huge Turkic Khanate was founded. In 583, Turks were divided into two parts, eastern and western, and for a long time opposed Tang dynasty. During reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, Eastern and Western Turks finally collapsed, so a large number of Turks moved west to Western Asia and founded Khorezm and Seljuk empires. In 1299 Ottoman Turkish Empire was established. The empire was successor to Arab Empire before First World War.

9 great empires in ancient world history: history of Chinese empire is not longest

The Russian Empire (862-1917). The real name of Russia is "Rus", and first dynasty is Rurik dynasty (Kievan Rus). It was conquered by Mongols in 1240. After that, Moscow principality continued to flourish, united Russian principality, annexed Golden Horde and began to be called "royal". In 1613, Russia entered Romanov dynasty, which was most powerful era of Russian Empire. It wasn't until 1917 that empire collapsed due to First World War.

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