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"Phoenix Nirvana" by Guo Moruo, which established his status in world of poetry: it seems that no one is invincible in China's new poetry circles.

Guo Moro is a representative figure in field of Chinese new poetry, regardless of his character, his position in world of poetry has not yet been shaken by anyone. In general, his poems are majestic, reaching a state of harmony between man and nature. Among his main poetic masterpieces are magnificent by names "Phoenix-nirvana", "Starry sky", "Earth, my mother", "Bazaar in sky", "Camel" and others. Among them "Phoenix Nirvana" - his proud work, one can say no one has surpassed her in 100 years. The “mournful memory” of modern literary theorist Zhou Yang: his famous “Phoenix Nirvana” predicts death of old world and old China and birth of a new world and new China. Nirvana is not death, but rebirth, rebirth after pain and death. This poem is filled with dialectical philosophy, passionate fantasies, love for one's country and bright ideals of future world. Below is complete poem.

During ancient times of Tianfang Kingdom, there lived a divine bird named "Phoenix" (Phoenix). Having reached age of 500, he set himself on fire with incense and was reborn from ashes. It was delicious. and never died again.

According to this bird, this is so-called phoenix in China: male is a phoenix, and female is a phoenix. "Kong Yang Tu" says, "Phoenix Fire Essence that produces Dan Point." "Guan Ya" says: "Phoenix... male and female crows say he will be ready."


In sky on New Year's Eve

A pair of phoenixes flying around

Sings a mournful song and flies away,

A flying fragrant forest with a branch in its mouth,

Flight to Mount Danxue.

There is a withered phoenix tree to right of mountain,

There is an exhausted Liquan on left side of mountain,

There is a huge sea in front of mountain,

Behind mountain is a wild plain,

It's a cold, windy and icy day on mountain.

The sky is dark and yellow,

Tall incense firewood

Phoenix is ​​tired of flying,

Phoenix is ​​tired of flying,

Their time of death is near.

Penpecker wood is fragrant,

A spark of fire flared up.

Juan Fan Mars,

Plumes of cigarettes rise up,

The phoenix is ​​pecking again,

Huang Yu Fan,

Cigarettes scattered over mountain,

The flames on mountain filled air.

The night is getting dark,

Incense firewood burned down,

Feng is tired of pecking again,

Juan is tired,

His death is near!


Sad Phoenix!

Phoenix is ​​dancing, low!

Phoenix sings, tragically!

Feng Yuu,

Phoenix sings again,

A flock of mortal birds,

I'm flying from side of sky to look at funeral.

"Phoenix Nirvana" by Guo Moruo, which established his status in world of poetry: it seems that no one is invincible in China's new poetry circles.
Song of Phoenix

Immediately! Immediately! Immediately!

Immediately! Immediately! Immediately!

The vast universe is as cold as iron!

The vast universe is as dark as paint!

The vast universe is as dirty as blood!

Universe, universe,

Why do you exist?

Where are you from?

Where are you sitting?

Are you ultimate empty ball?

Are you an infinite monolith?

If you have a trailing empty ball,

The space that surrounds you

Where did it come from?

What else exists besides you?

If you were an infinite block,

This is space covered by you

Where did it come from?

Why do you have life?

After all, are you still a living communicator?

Are you an inanimate machine?

I ask sky, raising my head,

Heavenly disciples are tall, have no knowledge.

Bow your head and ask me,

The earth is dead, don't breathe a little.

Raise your head to ask sea,

Hai Zheng raised his voice and sang.


In this dirty world

Even a diamond sword will rust!

Universe, universe,

I'll try my best to curse you:

You slaughterhouse, dirty with pus and blood!

Oh prison, full of sorrows!

You ghostly screaming grave!

Damn it, where are demons jumping over bridge!

Why do you exist?

We're flying west,

The West is also a massacre.

We're flying east,

The East is also a prison.

We're flying south,

South - same grave.

We're flying north,

North is also hell.

We live in such a world

I have no choice but to see how ocean cries.

"Phoenix Nirvana" by Guo Moruo, which established his status in world of poetry: it seems that no one is invincible in China's new poetry circles.
Song of Phoenix

That's enough! Full! Full!

That's enough! Full! Full!

500 years of tears flowed like a waterfall.

Tears have been dripping like candles for five hundred years.

Endless tears,

Impure mud,

Inextinguishable flame of love,

A humiliation that can't be shaken off

Our ethereal floating life,

Where do you want to live?


Our ethereal floating life

Like a lonely boat in sea.

The left one is also a man,

The law is also romantic,

There is no lamp in sight,

The coast is nowhere to be seen,

The sail is broken,

The mast is broken,

The paddle drifted,

The guard is rotten,

Tired Zhouzi was just moaning in boat

Angry sea waves still flood sea.


Our ethereal floating life.

Like a dream on this dark night.

Before bed

The last one is a dream,

Come like wind

Comes like light smoke,

Come like wind

Go Ruyan,

Sleep behind,

Sleep earlier,

We're just sleeping

A moment of wind and smoke.


What do you mean?

What do you mean?

Go crazy! Crazy! Crazy!

There is only sadness, anxiety, loneliness and defeat,

Reanimated corpses around us,

Through our moving corpses.


Where has freshness of our youth gone?

Where did sweetness of our youth go?

Where did glory of our youth go?

Where did love of our youth go?

Forward! walked! walked!

All gone

Everything will pass.

We are going too

You are going too

Sad! Worry! Loneliness! Decay!

"Phoenix Nirvana" by Guo Moruo, which established his status in world of poetry: it seems that no one is invincible in China's new poetry circles.
phoenix sings


The flame is blazing.

The aroma is fluffy.

It's time.

The time of death has come.

Everyone but me!

Everything in body!


Please! Please!

Song of birds

Rock Eagle

Ha ha, Phoenix! Phoenix!

You shouldn't be leader of birds!

Are you dead? You are dead?

From now on, I will be master of sky!


Ha ha, Phoenix! Phoenix!

You are leaders of birds!

Are you dead? You are dead?

From now on, please look at majesty of my flower feathers!


Ha ha, Phoenix! Phoenix!

You are leaders of birds!

Are you dead? You are dead?

Oh! Where does smell of rat meat come from!


Ha ha, Phoenix! Phoenix!

You are leaders of birds!

Are you dead? You are dead?

From now on, please take care of welfare of our lovely people!


Ha ha, Phoenix! Phoenix!

You are leaders of birds!

Are you dead? You are dead?

From now on, please listen to our speakers!

White Crane

Ha ha, Phoenix! Phoenix!

You are leaders of birds!

Are you dead? You are dead?

Now watch us wander around Gaodao School!

"Phoenix Nirvana" by Guo Moruo, which established his status in world of poetry: it seems that no one is invincible in China's new poetry circles.
Phoenix Rising Song

Rooster crowing

The tide is rising,

The tide is rising,

The dead light is reborn.

The spring tide has risen,

The spring tide has risen,

A dead universe is reborn.

The tide is rising,

The tide is rising,

The dead Phoenix is ​​reborn.

Phoenix Heming

We are born again.

We are born again.

All is one, reborn.

All in one has been reborn.

We are he, and they are me.

I have you too, and you have me.

I am you

You are me.

Fire is a phoenix.

Phoenix is ​​fire.

Fly! soar!

Sing! Sing!

We are fresh, we are clean,

We are gorgeous, we are fragrant,

First of all, aroma.

All in one, fragrant.

Fragrance is you, fragrance is me.

Aroma is it, aroma is fire.

The fire is you.

Fire is me.

Fire is it.

Fire is fire.

Fly! soar!

Sing! Sing!

We are passionate, we love.

We are happy, we are harmonious.

First of all, harmony.

All in one, harmony.

Harmony is you, harmony is me.

Harmony is he, and harmony is fire.

The fire is you.

Fire is me.

Fire is it.

Fire is fire.

Fly! soar!

Sing! Sing!

We are bright, we are free,

We are strong, we are long.

One of all, forever.

All in one, forever.

You are eternal, I am eternal.

He is eternal, and fire is eternal.

The fire is you.

Fire is me.

Fire is it.

Fire is fire.

Fly! soar!

Sing! Sing!

We sing, we fly.

We fly, we sing.

All same, always singing.

All in one always sings.

Are you singing? I sing?

Does he sing? Fire sings?

Singing is singing!

Singing is singing!

Just sing!

Just sing!




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