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There is a "ghost painting" in Southern Song Dynasty, content of painting is rather strange, and no one has been able to comprehend its deep meaning.

In 5000-year history of our country, there were many legendary people and deeds, as well as many paintings, songs and poems of historical and cultural value.

There is a "ghost painting" in Southern Song Dynasty, content of painting is rather strange, and no one has been able to comprehend its deep meaning.

Most people are influenced by poetry and songs from childhood, but they know little about famous paintings in our country. When most people mention painting, they only think of Qi Baishi, Tang Bohu and other characters, but don't know other famous artists and their paintings.

In fact, history of Chinese painting dates back to Neolithic era in primitive society, about 7,000 years ago. Painting of that period was immature, and at first it was just some kind of symbolic images painted on pottery, earth and stone walls.

It was only during Qin and Han dynasties that in-depth studies and discussions of painting began. It was only with emergence of various famous masters and gods during Wei and Jin dynasties that painting matured and became an art for refined people to cultivate their senses.

There is a "ghost painting" in Southern Song Dynasty, content of painting is rather strange, and no one has been able to comprehend its deep meaning.

However, among many paintings, there is always one or two paintings that are unique and defy definition. During Southern Song Dynasty, there was such a picture. Since content of painting was rather strange, world called it a "ghost painting". Until today, no one could understand meaning of this.

Why is it called "ghost painting"

The author of "Ghost Painting" is Li Song of Southern Song Dynasty. As they say, "Heroes don't ask where they're from ". Li Song was a small carpenter in his youth, and later became adopted son of Li Congxun, an imperial decree of the painting academy. From that moment began his painting life.

There is a "ghost painting" in Southern Song Dynasty, content of painting is rather strange, and no one has been able to comprehend its deep meaning.

Picture of seller Lee Song

For Chinese traditional paintings, most of them are familiar with landscapes and pastoral landscapes, and of course, portraits of people are also indispensable. Among many types of paintings are handmade, flowers, birds, insects, fish, etc.

However, Lee Sun broke old drawing style. A skeleton appeared in his "ghost painting", and under skeleton he also carried a small skeleton, and small skeleton was swinging in his hand like a puppet.

It is possible that in that traditional era, the appearance of a painting by Yi Sun also shocked a group of capable people and strangers, as well as art lovers of that time.

There is a "ghost painting" in Southern Song Dynasty, content of painting is rather strange, and no one has been able to comprehend its deep meaning.

Because of unique style of painting, this painting is also known as Skeleton Illusion. And this picture is also called a “ghost painting” precisely because of two skeletons that scare world.

Manythink that such painting can only appear in West, in a cultural group with more open and impetuous thoughts. But advent of this Skeleton Illusion made world see that our country began to explore new ideas thousands of years ago.

Of course, it is also inseparable from ideology and culture of Southern Song Dynasty. The Southern Song Dynasty at that time was not only heyday of ancient academic thought, but also heyday of ancient literature and art. As Wang Gowei, MA in Modern Sinology, said, "the scholars of Song Dynasty have most aspects and most progress."

There is a "ghost painting" in Southern Song Dynasty, content of painting is rather strange, and no one has been able to comprehend its deep meaning.

It was because of advanced spirit of dynasty at that time that Li Song dared to create this strange and sophisticated masterpiece in his own imagination.

Controversy about "ghost painting"

Of course, in that traditional and feudal era, this picture also caused controversy among many. Even now, many researchers have different views on this picture.

There is a "ghost painting" in Southern Song Dynasty, content of painting is rather strange, and no one has been able to comprehend its deep meaning.

Interpretation of ancient paintings by netizens

What is this painting? Are there only two skeletons? Obviously not. Although this painting is called "Skeleton Illusion", there are also living people in it.

Behind a large skull is a woman holding a baby in her hand and breastfeeding. A child is crawling on ground in front of large skull, and child is about to touch hand in hand of large skull. A small skeleton, and behind this child is another woman who wants to stop him.

In this picture, not only is skeleton drawn realistically, but each character is drawn vividly and realistically. This painting also represents a leap in history of Chinese painting.

There is a "ghost painting" in Southern Song Dynasty, content of painting is rather strange, and no one has been able to comprehend its deep meaning.

The whole picture of ancient painting

Many researchers believe that this painting represents a kind of relative life and death. In this painting, there are living prosperous people and dead people in various poses.

A child crawling and wanting to touch skeleton in picture is obviously a representative of innocence. The children's world is simple and pure, not afraid of life and death, but full of curiosity and exploration of unknown in world.

On contrary, woman who wanted to stop child already knew pain of life and death and was afraid of death, but in fact it was a different outlook on life. death. , people walk road to death from birth. It is true that even for modern people, death is something that people cannot face and accept.

There is a "ghost painting" in Southern Song Dynasty, content of painting is rather strange, and no one has been able to comprehend its deep meaning.

Of course, some researchers don't think so. Researchers of this part believe that Lee Sun's painting is actually a realistic painting. Neither he nor Lee Sun himself intended to put any deep meaning into it.

Why is this a realistic picture? As mentioned above, Southern Song dynasty had great achievements in both culture and art, so these researchers believe that skeletons in this painting were actually dressed up by street performers of time.

The small skull in hand of skeleton is actually a tool for artists to make a living, just like famous western puppets, and small skull in picture is exactly same to draw people's attention to street in order to survive.

There is a "ghost painting" in Southern Song Dynasty, content of painting is rather strange, and no one has been able to comprehend its deep meaning.

The woman and child behind large skeleton are wife and children of artist who played skeleton. This is also reflected from outside. No matter how high various achievements in Southern Song Dynasty were, for working people, life was still same hard work, and they even dragged their families and lived on street.

Moreover, it was also an insinuation of ruler of that time. After all, Southern Song dynasty chose to "live in peace" in terms of politics. For working people of Central Plains, ruler's indifference caused countless people to suffer oppression and suffering. Therefore, this picture is also used as a realistic state of social phenomena and government of that time.


Actually, whatever point of view and point of view, it has its own basis and meaning. It is undeniable that this is also a very representative manifestation of ideology and culture in history of our country.

There is a "ghost painting" in Southern Song Dynasty, content of painting is rather strange, and no one has been able to comprehend its deep meaning.

Obviously, some of wisdom of ancients is beyond reach of modern people, and heritage and achievements of ancients for Chinese culture today are also incomparable. The ancients could not imagine this.

As for history and culture of our country, every Chinese should protect it and pass it on. "Take essence and discard slags" - the right choice of a modern person in favor of an ancient ideology and culture.

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