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How did Guo Moro say that Outer Mongolia became independent? As expected of a strong Go Moruo

Everyone knows that Outer Mongolia was once part of China. In 1691, after Kangxi conquered Galdan three times, Khalkha was incorporated into Qing dynasty and became part of China. Later, Qing Dynasty founded General Uliasutai here. However, after fall of Qing Dynasty, Russia seized opportunity to instigate independence of Outer Mongolia. Later, Soviet Union also took opportunity to annex Tangna Wulianghai and become "Republic of Tuva".

How did Guo Moro say that Outer Mongolia became independent? As expected of a strong Go Moruo

In 1945, United States, Soviet Union and Great Britain held Yalta Conference. The United States and United States hoped that Soviet Union could fight against Japan and attack Japanese Kwantung Army in China to reduce pressure on US Pacific Fleet. At this time, Stalin put forward a condition for Mongolia to "preserve status quo", effectively allowing Mongolia to be independent, and after negotiations, three parties reached a secret agreement.

How did Guo Moro say that Outer Mongolia became independent? As expected of a strong Go Moruo

After that, United States sent Chiang Kai-shek a secret agreement, and Chiang Kai-shek sent Song Tzuwen, Wang Shijie and Chiang Ching-kuo to Moscow for negotiations. During negotiations, Stalin asked, "Why do you insist that Outer Mongolia should not be independent?" Jiang Jingguo said, “China's resistance war for several years is to reclaim lost land. China, Taiwan and other places have not recovered, but if such a large area becomes independent, will it not be a loss of original intention of Resistance War? Stalin also said, "If your country has strength and you can fight Japan, naturally I won't ask for it." At this time, Jiang Chingguo asked Stalin why he wanted Outer Mongolia to become independent. The independence of Outer Mongolia is viewed entirely from a military point of view. If military forces from Outer Mongolia attack Soviet Union, as soon as Siberian railway is cut off, Soviet Union will be finished."

How did Guo Moro say that Outer Mongolia became independent? As expected of a strong Go Moruo

The so-called "weak country has no diplomacy", China at that time was not enough to change fate of Outer Mongolia. Under pressure from Soviet Union, Jiang Jingguo was forced to sign "Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance" with Soviet Union at cost of independence for Outer Mongolia in exchange for Soviet army to attack Japan. Kwantung Army. The independence of Outer Mongolia was event that once lost most land in modern Chinese history, accounting for more than half of all land lost in modern Chinese history. Most people in country regard this as an insult, but Guo Jomo, who is highly praised by Mr. Lu Xun, has a different opinion.

How did Guo Moro say that Outer Mongolia became independent? As expected of a strong Go Moruo

He said: “The reactionaries are trying to stir up feelings of Han chauvinism among some Chinese and oppose establishment of an independent people's state by people of Outer Mongolia. But I'm asking you. When Outer Mongolia was annexed to China, what did Chinese give people of Outer Mongolia? What benefits did they get? Did some Chinese aggressors bring troops into Outer Mongolia and oppress people of Outer Mongolia economically, which prompted people of Outer Mongolia to demand independence from China? We ourselves Under double oppression of communism and imperialism, it is almost impossible to defend ourselves. Is it necessary to force people of Outer Mongolia to bury with us? Shouldn't people of Outer Mongolia be a little Conscious, shouldn't there be a demand for emancipation?

How did Guo Moro say that Outer Mongolia became independent? As expected of a strong Go Moruo

Outer Mongolia followed Stalinist model very early. Guo Moruo commented, "Honestly, Outer Mongolians are more competitive than us, they are more enlightened than us, and they are more sober than us in friendship." with socialist Soviet Union., so we received help, and were released before we were. If we stand on point of view of impartiality, we should condemn people of Outer Mongolia, pay tribute to people of Outer Mongolia, and learn from people of Outer Mongolia. Soviet Union? Then what did Soviet Union gain from independence of Outer Mongolia? Right? just dial a neighbor like us?"

How did Guo Moro say that Outer Mongolia became independent? As expected of a strong Go Moruo

In January 1952, Go Moro received Stalin International Peace Prize in Moscow

When I saw this, I remembered Guo Moro scolding Song Yu "You are a shameless writer" in historical drama Qu Yuan. Later, when this drama was produced, it was changed to "You Shameless Writer". In fact, Song Yu did not leave anything shameless in history, but it is difficult for Guo Moruo to say The title of "Four Shameless Scholars" is not just words.

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