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Comparison of DNA of the ancient Eastern Turkic, Western Turkic, Huihe (Uyghur) and Khazar Turks

Eastern Turkic data taken fromA_dynamic_6000-year_genetic_history_of_Eurasias_E

Western Turkic data are obtained from 137 ancient human genomes from Eurasian steppes, including genomes of Turks (2), non-Turkic core (1), Karluks (1) and Kipchaks (1).

Data for Uyghurs (Uighurs) taken from A_dynamic_6000-year_genetic_history_of_Eurasias_E

Diversity of Y-chromosome haplogroup in Khazar burials of southern Russia

Comparison of DNA of the ancient Eastern Turkic, Western Turkic, Huihe (Uyghur) and Khazar Turks

From comparison, Western Turks and Khazar Turks are closest, with R1a as main one. The Huihe data is quite special, with a high proportion of R1b, and this R1b comes from vicinity of Huihe kingdom. R1b1a2a2-CTS1078 is suspected to be of Huihe Khan type.

Note to author:

Eastern Turkic data contains 2 C2-F1756 from "Zhanheshuo" region of Outer Mongolia. N1a1 - grave of an envoy in Tang dynasty. The epitaph shows that person has surname Pugu; in Western Turkic there is one O, and an individual O1b-F838. The autosomes are half East Asian in origin, while maternal mitochondria are Western.

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