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Why was Queen of England buried under a church and not in a graveyard? How does church seal off rotten smell?

"Elizabeth II is a symbol of era in Britain. For British, she is Queen of England and a kind grandmother next door", Western media commented.

Why was Queen of England buried under a church and not in a graveyard? How does church seal off rotten smell?

On September 8, God peacefully took queen. After that, Queen's funeral became an international event that attracted attention of whole world: according to relevant media reports, about a hundred high-ranking governments from around world attended Queen's funeral.

Among many reports of Queen's funeral, news that Queen's coffin was placed under St George's Church rather than in graveyard has sparked heated discussion among many netizens.

Why was Queen of England buried under a church and not in a graveyard? How does church seal off rotten smell?

In China, traditional culture has always emphasized burrowing for peace, which is a kind of respect for dead. So question is, why isn't Queen buried in Royal Cemetery? How was embalming of Queen's coffin?

Organizing a funeral in advance

It is said that even when queen was in her 60s, she had already begun to arrange her "funeral" in advance. This plan of future affairs is surprisingly consistent with ancient Chinese emperors.Chinese and Western emperors seem to have same "sadness and joy" when it comes to degree of importance attached to death of emperors.

Why was Queen of England buried under a church and not in a graveyard? How does church seal off rotten smell?

For example, Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng, who was first emperor in ancient my country, is said to have started building his own huge underground imperial tomb during his reign. Until now, underground imperial tomb of Qin Shi Huang remains a mystery. . It seems that Queen of England is not immune to importance given to her own affairs.

According to information, Queen of England began to participate in design of her own funeral 30 years ago, including in method of burial. According to royal family, it is a British royal tradition to bury her in St. George's Church in England. The location of "Royal Mausoleum".

Church of St. George

As for why Queen of England is not buried in a cemetery, but in ground of St. George's Church, a British culturologist said: Christianity is "state religion" of European and American countries, and they consider church holiest place. This is evident from fact that European royal families are crowned in churches, and Europeans generally like to get married in churches.

Why was Queen of England buried under a church and not in a graveyard? How does church seal off rotten smell?

Church burial is a form of expression of dignity of royal family, as well as a "secular expression" of "noble blood" in bones of British royal family and nobility.

And according to their religious beliefs, church is "passage" connecting heaven to secular world, and it is easier for them to be "accepted" by God to heaven if they die and are buried in church.

In China, burial and cremation are main funeral rituals, but British royal family has expressed their ignorance. For hundreds of years, royal family tradition has held that burial in dungeons of church is their final choice. destination.

Why was Queen of England buried under a church and not in a graveyard? How does church seal off rotten smell?

Of course, this is a special burial rite that only British royal family can enjoy. After all, St. George's Church is a church owned by royal family. Of course, mostly ordinary people bury.

British culturologist also mentioned:According to Queen's "funeral script", coffins of Queen and Prince Philip will be placed together.

I believe that many people will never forget Prince Philip's funeral at St. George's in April 2021. When national anthem God Save Queen was played in church, sad expression on camera's face made people look at it with chagrin.

Why was Queen of England buried under a church and not in a graveyard? How does church seal off rotten smell?

At that moment, even air seemed to become piercing and beautiful. Everyone seems to feel that this song "God Save Queen" was Prince's last gift to Queen!

How queen is buried

To date, at least 1,800 members of royal family are buried underground in St. George's Church. According to media reports, there is a serious shortage of coffins in St. George's Church.

Why was Queen of England buried under a church and not in a graveyard? How does church seal off rotten smell?

I don't know if Princes William and Prince Harry have received relevant notices from Church? If this is true, they are supposed to have a headache!

The Queen of England chose to be buried underground in St. George's Church. Many British culturologists also made a particularly interesting and valuable point of view: This is work of securing British "royal tomb".

Clearly St George's is in central London and Queen's coffin is under church, so security can obviously be guaranteed.

Why was Queen of England buried under a church and not in a graveyard? How does church seal off rotten smell?

If you bury in a traditional cemetery, then there are too many unstable factors, because there are too many lessons from such cases.

Of course, many British scientists have expressed their opinion. The reason why Queen of England and British Royal Family have always preferred to be buried in St George's is because St George's is their "home". ".

We Chinese pay attention to fact that fallen leaves return to their roots after death, and why not British? St George's Church is part of Windsor Castle. In a sense, St George's is not one of their "houses"?

Why was Queen of England buried under a church and not in a graveyard? How does church seal off rotten smell?

The Queen has 'served' UK all her life, and being buried in her 'home' when she dies is not a kind of 'happiness in a hundred years'?

The problem of embalming coffin

In recent years, news of unfriendly taste of St. George's has repeatedly appeared in some non-mainstream media. We don't care if news is true or not.

Why was Queen of England buried under a church and not in a graveyard? How does church seal off rotten smell?

What worries us is plan to embalm queen's coffin? After all, "Main Chapel" of St. George's Church is often used for large events. Reality is not cinema, even if it is venerable Queen of England, her coffin cannot be as "imperishable for a thousand years" as in cinema.

Several British culturologists have told us that Queen's coffin is made from premium oak, which is recognized as best choice for coffins and is also "royal supplier" of coffins. members of British royal family, to a certain extent, can block "invasion" of air and bacterial microorganisms.

In addition to further sealing coffin, technical team will also special seal coffin with a lead gasket. This method has been used by British royal family for hundreds of years.

Why was Queen of England buried under a church and not in a graveyard? How does church seal off rotten smell?

Of course, for sealing of Queen's coffin and other anti-corrosion work, we can only know a small part of these technologies. With rapid development of science and technology, there will definitely be some "advanced little things". in coffin sealing technology that ordinary people like us don't understand. public technology", I believe that British dare to be so confident, and they should have a certain "technical support".

The reason why Queen Elizabeth II was buried under St. George's Church is not only due to centuries-old tradition of royal family, but also to their religious beliefs. From an emotional point of view, St. George's also Queen's "home" seems to continue to be so how to protect your family.

As for embalming of Queen's coffin, in addition to well-known oak wood with excellent airtightness and use of lead to further strengthen seal, there may be many more modern technologies that we ordinary people find difficult to master. touch . Isn't it a blessing for Queen of England to be buried with her husband, parents and sister?

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