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Administrative division map of New China to present day: which era is most reasonable administrative division?

In 1951, entire country was basically liberated, and new administrative divisions were initially established. At that time, country was divided into six administrative regions: North China, Northeast China, East China, Central South China, Southwest China and Northwest China. There are provinces, municipalities directly subordinate to central government, autonomous regions, administrative regions, etc. within large administrative regions, and the administrative division system has not been standardized and improved.

Administrative division map of New China to present day: which era is most reasonable administrative division?

From 1952 to 1954, a comprehensive adjustment was carried out. Major adjustments:

  • Abolish administrative districts and merge them into provinces. For example, two administrative regions of North Anhui and South Anhui merged into Anhui Province; two administrative regions of North Jiangsu and South Jiangsu merged into Jiangsu Province; four administrative regions of East Sichuan, West Sichuan, South Sichuan and North Sichuan became part of Sichuan Province.
  • Abolished and merged provinces. For example, province of Chahar was abolished and added to provinces of Hebei and Shanxi; Songjiang province was merged with Heilongjiang province; provinces of Liaodong and Liaoxi were merged with province of Liaoning; Ningxia Province was merged with Gansu Province; Suiyuan Province was merged into Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. ; Cancel.
  • Abolish a large number of municipalities directly under central government and merge them with original provinces. For example, Nanjing returned to Jiangsu, Changchun returned to Jilin, Guangzhou returned to Guangdong, Xi'an returned to Shaanxi, Chongqing returned to Sichuan, Shenyang, Luda, Anshan, Fushun and Benxi returned to Liaoning, etc.
  • Moving capitals of some provinces. For example, provincial capital of Heilongjiang was moved from Qiqihar to Harbin;
  • The names of ethnic minority areas have been changed, for example, city of Dihua was renamed city of Urumqi, and Guisui was renamed Hohhot.
  • After adjustment is largely complete, six major administrative regions have been abolished.
  • Setting some provincial jurisdictions: Qinzhou, Beihai and Fangchenggang are assigned to Guangxi.
  • Administrative division map of New China to present day: which era is most reasonable administrative division?

    From 1955 to 1968, administrative division was slightly changed. Main content:

  • Display multiple provinces. For example, Rehe Province was carved out and assigned to Hebei, Liaoning Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Xikang Province was carved out and merged with Sichuan Province;
  • Ethnic regional system fully implemented. The province of Xinjiang was separated and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was formed, Preparatory Committee of Tibet Autonomous Region was established, and Kamdo region was transferred under its jurisdiction. By 1965, Tibet Autonomous Region, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Guangxi Province was carved out, and Guangxi Tongzu Autonomous Region was transformed into Guangxi Tongzu Autonomous Region. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in 1965; The Ejin Banner and Alx Banner of Gansu Province were incorporated into Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
  • Change of Tianjin's status: In 1958, Tianjin was abolished as a city of direct control and became part of Hebei Province. The provincial capital of Hebei was moved from Baoding to Tianjin. In 1966, provincial capital of Hebei was moved to Baoding. In 1967, Tianjin was again named as a municipality directly under central government. In 1968, provincial capital of Hebei was moved to Shijiazhuang.
  • Administrative division map of New China to present day: which era is most reasonable administrative division?

    From 1969 to 1978, influenced by deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations (the Soviet Union claimed to have created incidents in Inner Mongolia), the main adjustment during this period was dismantling of Inner Mongolia. In 1969, most of Hulunbier League was transferred to Heilongjiang Province; Tuquan County and right front banner of Horqin were transferred to Jilin Province; The Zhaowood League was transferred to Liaoning Province; parts of left Alha banner and right Alha banner were given to Ningxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture. Region; The Bayannaoer League was placed in Gansu province and so on.

  • Other amendments: In 1973, 5 counties of Jixian, Baodi, Wuqing, Jinghai and Ninghe in Hebei Province were transferred to Tianjin City.
  • Administrative division map of New China to present day: which era is most reasonable administrative division?

    In 1979, China was reformed and opened up. Relations between China and Soviet Union gradually eased, so administrative division of Inner Mongolia returned to its previous state. In 1988, in order to promote reform and opening up, a special economic zone was established in Hainan, and at same time, Hainan Province was established.

    Administrative division map of New China to present day: which era is most reasonable administrative division?
    1. In 1990s, in order to promote opening up of western region and resettlement of immigrants from Three Gorges, Chongqing Municipality was established in 1997. The three cities of Chongqing, Wanxian, Fuling, and Qianjiang District in Sichuan Province are being gradually drawn into new municipalities directly under central government.
    2. In 1997, Hong Kong returned to China and established Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In 1999, Macau returned to China and formed Macau Special Administrative Region.

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