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Where did Jiuding made by Dayu go? Qin Shi Huang once did a rescue job in Xuzhou.

According to historical records such as "Guoyu", "Historical Records" and "Zuo Zhuan", Daiyu was once abandoned by Jiuding, which is highest symbol of national power. The Historical Record states that "Yu collected Jiu Mu's gold and abandoned Jiu Ding." The reason why there are nine tripods here is because Kyushu existed at that time, and head of each state was a shepherd, who in Han Dynasty was called "the shepherd of Zhou." Kyushu here should be nine tribes or nine princes. Jiuding symbolizes Daiyu's suzerainty over nine princes.

Where did Jiuding made by Dayu go? Qin Shi Huang once did a rescue job in Xuzhou.

Since then, tripod has become a symbol of power in ancient China. And owning Jiuding made by Dayu has become a symbol of orthodoxy. After fall of Xia dynasty, Jiuding was displaced by Shang dynasty; after fall of Shang Dynasty, Jiuding was moved to Luoyang, eastern capital, so-called "Dingding Luoyi". “Mozi” said, “The Xia family lost it, but Yin people got it; Yin people lost it, while Zhou people gained it. Xiahou, Yin and Zhou got it." The succession of Jiuding in Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties is also a manifestation of change of dynasty.

At least during Spring and Autumn period, Jiuding was still in Luoyang. In 607 BC King Chu Zhuang marched north with Luhun's army, arrived in Luoyang and deployed his troops near Luoyang. At this time, King of Zhou sent Wang Songmen to meet King of Chuzhuang. King Chuzhuang had an idea to replace Emperor Zhou in terms of size and importance of aspiration. This is famous "Central Plains Aim". In early Warring States period, Jiuding was also located in Luoyang. In 307 BC King Wu of Qin opened a passage to Kanto through Battle of Yiyang. After victory, he, along with strong men Ren Bi, Wu Ho and Meng Shuo, waited for Luoyang to hold the Longwen Chiding competition, as a result of which his eyes bled, his tibia was broken, and he died of shortness of breath.

Where did Jiuding made by Dayu go? Qin Shi Huang once did a rescue job in Xuzhou.

At end of Warring States period, Jiuding disappeared. In 249 BC state of Qin finally destroyed state of Zhou and occupied Luoyang, but did not find Jiuding. Wang Xianqian of Qing Dynasty believed that after King Zhou moved east, all vassal states wanted to take over Jiuding, which led to crises. However, King Zhou was in serious financial difficulties, so he destroyed Jiuding, cast copper coins from it, and announced to the outside world that Jiuding had disappeared. However, his statement is not supported by any historical data, which is hard to believe.

Where did Jiuding made by Dayu go? Qin Shi Huang once did a rescue job in Xuzhou.

In fact, there are some clues about Jiuding's whereabouts in Historical Records. “Historical Records of Book of Fengchang”: “After that, at age of 120, Qin destroyed Zhou, and nine tripods of Zhou entered Qin. Or Taiqiu society of Song Dynasty died and tripod disappeared under Pengchen, Xishui.” There are two theories here: one It is said that after Qin destroyed Zhou, Jiuding was moved to Xianyang by State of Qin; second theory is that Jiuding had already moved to Song state and then sank in Xuzhou in Surabaya. The scope of Xuzhou in antiquity was greater than today, including territory in south of Shandong Province. The reason why first statement is not accepted by people is that neither Qin dynasty nor subsequent dynasties saw Jiuding.

Where did Jiuding made by Dayu go? Qin Shi Huang once did a rescue job in Xuzhou.

The second theory seems more credible because people of Han Dynasty remembered that Qin Shi Huang once saved Jiuding in Xishui, Xuzhou, but he failed to save him. The Benji of Qin Shi Huang records that in 219 B.C. Qin Shi Huang "fasted and prayed at a shrine in Pengcheng, wishing to get out of Zhou Ding and Surabai so that thousands of people would not be able to ask for water." and Han Dynasty tiles include a painting by Qin Shi Huang "Ding Fishing from Xishui". Many people in early Han Dynasty came from Qin Dynasty, so they should have a relatively clear idea of ​​this period of history.

The question is, why was Jiuding transferred to Song State? It is still associated with Qin. Although Qin people have been slandered as "Xi Rong" by six Kantō kingdoms, in reality Qin people are descendants of Ying Dongyi family and belong to same clan as Xu Guo. After Zhou destroyed Shang Dynasty, Qin people moved west to Guanzhong to help Zhou Tianzi guard border of Xichui, so they got rich in Guanzhong. Thus, Guangdong princes of Zhou Dynasty mainly originated from Guanzhong, while Qin nobles originated from eastern region of Xuzhou. Xuzhou is a special place during Warring States period. Back in 334 BC. King Hui of Wei and King Wei of Qi were prime ministers in Xuzhou, acknowledging each other's status and sharing overlord equally.

Where did Jiuding made by Dayu go? Qin Shi Huang once did a rescue job in Xuzhou.

After Qin Guo received Jiuding, he moved Jiuding to Xuzhou for priests and then placed it here. Bang Gu reports that he sank in Surabaya in 42nd year of reign of King Xianzhi of Zhou (327 BC). The editor considers this record unreliable, because there was also an incident when King Wu of Qin raised a tripod in Luoyang. The Qin state was able to move Jiuding to Xuzhou at least at end of Warring States period. In 286 BC State of Qi destroyed State of Song, so it gave Taoyi (now Dingtao, Heze) Li Dui to State of Zhao, and was later exchanged by State of Zhao for Nine East River Cities occupied by Qin State of Qin Enclave. The State of Qin will most likely relocate Jiuding at this time. In 254 BC Taoyi was taken over by Wei state and Jiuding may have disappeared.

Where did Jiuding made by Dayu go? Qin Shi Huang once did a rescue job in Xuzhou.

Take a tripod from Surabaya

Qing Shi Huang was unable to save Jiuding, and emperor of Han Dynasty also hoped to get Jiuding. In 164 BC. Dean got out of it." He was soon killed for having fraudulently called Jinbaoqi. But later, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty was very superstitious about gods, so he found a tripod in Shanxi and changed name of year to "Yuan Ding". This tripod is most likely a fake. During reign of Wu Zetian, he directly created a new Jiuding, and during Northern Song Dynasty, a new Jiuding was also created.

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