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Think about it: if Britain moved its capital to America, would Britain be hegemon today?

Let's go back to 1756, when "Seven Years' War" broke out in Europe. With support of United Kingdom, Prussia was at war with neighboring France, Austria and Russia, and Britain again pushed "continental balance" to extreme. When France was unable to escape, Britain launched an attack on French fleet in 1759 and destroyed French fleet. Since then, on one hand, Britain gave Prussia money to continue war, on other hand, Britain continued to plunder French colonies in America and India. By 1761, France had surrendered and Britain had become "an empire on which sun never sets". By 1800, area of ​​the British colonies had reached 11.3 million square kilometers.

Think about it: if Britain moved its capital to America, would Britain be hegemon today?

North America before Seven Years' War

It is currently 200 years since beginning of British colonial movement. After defeating Spanish "Armada" back in 1588, British set about creating colonies in Hudson's Bay and New England. From 1607 to 1733 Great Britain created "Thirteen States" in North America. However, for a long time colonial expansion of Great Britain did not go as well as that of France, and western Appalachians and most of Canada were occupied by France. After Seven Years' War, France gradually withdrew from North America, while Britain occupied Canada.

Think about it: if Britain moved its capital to America, would Britain be hegemon today?

North America after war

But Seven Years' War also cost Britain. Since war had also severely drained British finances, Britain attempted to compensate by raising taxes in North America. However, this incident provoked a North American resistance struggle and American Revolutionary War broke out. In war, France and Spain, expecting revenge, supported United States. Finally, in 1783, Britain had to recognize independence of United States. To raise funds, Britain also sold vast lands west of Mississippi River to United States, which laid foundation for United States to become a great power. At this time, it was stage when British Industrial Revolution began.

Think about it: if Britain moved its capital to America, would Britain be hegemon today?

British colonial distribution

Imagine what would happen if Britain moved its capital to North America after Seven Years' War? At time, North American economy clearly could not compete with that of British mainland, and its population was not as large as on mainland. But area of ​​the British colonies in North America is quite large, they own not only all of Canada, but also thirteen states and Mississippi River basin. The area is rich in minerals, suitable for agricultural production and has unlimited prospects.

Think about it: if Britain moved its capital to America, would Britain be hegemon today?

If UK moves its capital to North America, join Great Lakes region. Well, first of all, North America will soon become a place where UK fully supports development. A lot of people will flow into North America, a lot of factories will be invested in it, a lot of land will be given away. turned into farms. In a few decades, North America will be "factory of world." Not only will North America's status surpass that of UK mainland, but other countries won't be able to shake it either.

Think about it: if Britain moved its capital to America, would Britain be hegemon today?

After Great Britain moves its capital to North America, there will be no phenomenon of American independence and Canadian independence, North America will be united by Great Britain, and even South America will be annexed by Great Britain. Not only this. Britain, based in all of North America, will always be most powerful industrial country in world, it will firmly control Australia, Ireland, South Africa, Singapore, etc., and colonial system of British Empire cannot be disintegrated. If so, then Britain is still a country with colonies all over world.

If center of British development were to be moved to North America, it would be difficult for Germany to challenge Britain in both World Wars. The UK will pursue a policy of "continental balance of power" and continue to provoke relations between European countries. In World War Great Britain has amassed a great military fortune, and her industrial power will be further strengthened. Of course, if Great Britain moves its capital to North America, it is not known whether British mainland will become independent in future.

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