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Denmark's Magical Goalkeeper: Thought about math while playing football, won Nobel Prize at age 37 and created quantum mechanics

"Geniuses are more talented than ordinary people, but more purposeful and hardworking than ordinary people!", do geniuses exist in this world? The answer is obvious, but A genius can only become a king through hard work.

Denmark's Magical Goalkeeper: Thought about math while playing football, won Nobel Prize at age 37 and created quantum mechanics

Many people complain that fate has gone badly for them, but they never thought that even if they worked hard on bad maps, they would surely win.

Einstein can definitely talk about "genius". And this person is a great person who can "fight" with Einstein in physics for more than ten years. In field of 20th century physics, possibility of being an opponent of Einstein is already very remarkable.

The ability to "kill him inextricably" with him is enough to show that this man is a true genius. As a child, he was most amazing football goalkeeper in Denmark. He missed win because he was thinking about math problems while holding net.

Denmark's Magical Goalkeeper: Thought about math while playing football, won Nobel Prize at age 37 and created quantum mechanics

Later, he gave up sports for sake of physics and shone with brilliant light. He received Nobel Prize at age of 37. His achievements in physics are perhaps not much lower than those of Einstein.

Group photo of all Physics stars

His name is Niels Bohr. Perhaps many people had a "one-sided relationship" with this great physicist. Many bloggers on Internet have shared a photo of Einstein and a group of people in their articles. A group photo of scientists, this group photo can be described as a "network celebrity photo".

Denmark's Magical Goalkeeper: Thought about math while playing football, won Nobel Prize at age 37 and created quantum mechanics

This is actually a group photo of physicists attending Solvay Conference, famous "Physics Conference" in 20th century. Perhaps for most of us, all attention is focused on first row C of Einstein's body.

In fact, all scientists who might appear in this photo are world's leading scientists. Some netizens once joked that if these physicists "mysteriously disappear" together, then human technology would go back at least 20 to 30 years. years Year.

The reason why this Solvay Conference has become most topical session in history is precisely because of academic debate between two soul personalities, one being Einstein and other Bohr. In photo, star composition in physical world, handsome uncle on right in second row is Bor.

Denmark's Magical Goalkeeper: Thought about math while playing football, won Nobel Prize at age 37 and created quantum mechanics

The invention of modern cameras made it possible for future generations to see these geniuses who had appearance of heaven and man. There are also many historical old photographs left by Bohr. From these photographs, we can see that this is a man with an elegant temperament and full of beauty. A man of academic temperament .

Among them, he had many group photos with Einstein and many physicists.From these group photos, we can also intuitively see Bohr's "connections" and his "status in world of physics." You have to be capable, Einstein is not a good guy, he can't wait to use two copies when he is doing science and research, how can he have time to take a picture with a passerby?

Football goalkeeper became a physicist

Among many historical old photographs, Bohr's childhood photographs also make people curious about his childhood. One of the childhood photographs turned out to be a photo of Bora's childhood football.

Denmark's Magical Goalkeeper: Thought about math while playing football, won Nobel Prize at age 37 and created quantum mechanics

In ordinary mind of people, shouldn't a brilliant physicist like Bohr read books and study physical formulas at home when he was a child? In fact, Bor had a good chance of becoming a great football goalkeeper.

Bohr was born into a middle-class Danish family. His parents belonged to Danish professional elite. At same time, this family loves football. It is in this family academic and athletic atmosphere that Bor and his younger brother not only have excellent grades, but also have very high athletic ability.

When Bor was 14 or 15 years old, he was "signed" by a Danish football club because of his excellent football skills. And Bora's father is one of leaders and shareholders of club.

Denmark's Magical Goalkeeper: Thought about math while playing football, won Nobel Prize at age 37 and created quantum mechanics

According to common sense, his father is a shareholder in club. With such good innate conditions, as long as Bor develops in football field, his future is absolutely limitless. After all, he will never be short of training resources.

According to former teammates of Bora in club, when he was a teenager, Bora's goalkeeping game was very "brutal", as long as he concentrated, players did not have to worry about losing defense at all.

Think about problem solving during competition

Many people attribute Bohr's eventual choice of studying physics as his career to being distracted while guarding gates of a German football club. Let German players shoot in one fell swoop. After this incident, Bohr slowly said goodbye to the football team.

Denmark's Magical Goalkeeper: Thought about math while playing football, won Nobel Prize at age 37 and created quantum mechanics

In fact, judging by various stories of Bohr's life, Bohr eventually chose physics as his "working partner". In end, he simply considered football to be his "extra-curricular pastime" and "side job". love has always been physics, as can be seen from his reflections on problem solving when he is on guard of goal.

Noble Bora

Success often requires a certain capability, and that capability is sometimes a guideline. And Bohr was able to explore many of great physical theories, such as "Bohr model" and quantum mechanics. You could say that Rutherford was a key figure in path to Nobel Prize.

Denmark's Magical Goalkeeper: Thought about math while playing football, won Nobel Prize at age 37 and created quantum mechanics

Bohr and Rutherford's discussions about physics brought him great benefit. The two discussed and deduced many "incurable diseases" in quantum mechanics, and inner truth was gradually revealed.

In 1917, he officially became a professor at University of Copenhagen.For next few decades, Ball "brought home many honors and trophies every year." In 1922, he received Nobel Prize in Physics in one fell swoop.

Academic dispute between two geniuses

The main theme in Bohr's life was a ten-year academic debate with Einstein. Both of them are super masters in field of physics, and they could not convince each other of their theories. This discussion lasted for more than ten years, and even when Einstein died, there was no winner or loser.

Denmark's Magical Goalkeeper: Thought about math while playing football, won Nobel Prize at age 37 and created quantum mechanics

But it is worth writing that academic debate between them not only did not cause confusion in world of physics, but also contributed to further development of physics. Their debates made many physicists and scientists of time , And thus many doubts were resolved, after all, debates can also give true knowledge.

Even though two "love each other and kill each other in physics arena", they are both pure scientists. Their debates are solely to find truth, so sometimes it seems that debate "does same thing", but alone together. But this is a good friend.

This point was explicitly mentioned by Bohr's grandson William Bohr in a speech in Canada in 2015. William told people that his grandfather wrote a letter to Einstein.

Denmark's Magical Goalkeeper: Thought about math while playing football, won Nobel Prize at age 37 and created quantum mechanics

One of letters clearly stated that in 1922, Einstein was unable to receive Nobel Prize in Physics because of war. In letter, Bohr warmly expressed his congratulations and said that his achievements were far from Einstein's. . Shortly thereafter, Einstein also wrote Bohr a reply from his old friend.

If Bohr hadn't been distracted in that football match, if Bohr and others had won match against German football club, would this great physicist really have given up physics and become a "warrior" on field?

The answer is no,Because Bohr's dream map of inner world is almost 99% physics. This is a "giant" who considers academic research in physics to be ideal of his life, and physics as his ideal. children, this is his faith.

Is it strange that such a genius received Nobel Prize at age of 37? Is it strange that such a genius gave world quantum mechanics? not at all!

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