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The only survivor of Japanese on Titanic endured insults all his life and endured until his death in order to reveal truth

Sometimes truth can be deceiving. Especially in early 20th century, when Western world dominated public opinion, truth was often truth that Western world wanted.

The only survivor of Japanese on Titanic endured insults all his life and endured until his death in order to reveal truth

In April 1912, Titanic sank in Atlantic Ocean, 1,517 people remained forever in abyss of Atlantic Ocean, and only a few hundred people were finally rescued.

Due to film's artistic treatment, future generations will focus more on love story between poor boy Jack and Ruth , and on human nature of western gentleman who "leaves women and children first". to shine.

After incident, "Titanic Sinking Incident" was treated as a road sign by countless Western media outlets. To increase popularity and sales, they published "insider news" one after another.

The only survivor of Japanese on Titanic endured insults all his life and endured until his death in order to reveal truth

The horrifying truths they give out caused an uproar in world public opinion, and no one paid attention to whether this so-called truth with obvious racial discrimination was true or not.

After all, in that ancient era, West dominated world public opinion to a certain extent, and truth they spoke was truth.

In The Story of Sinking of Titanic, lone Japanese survivor became "target of public opinion" of Western media, and all sorts of dirty water was poured on him.

The only survivor of Japanese on Titanic endured insults all his life and endured until his death in order to reveal truth

Even in Japan, he was scolded for not being worthy of being a Japanese citizen, but True will be late, but not lost. The notebook from his life finally restored truth about case.

Combined with strict chain of evidence support from some Western institutions, stains on this Japanese man were finally washed away after his death.

Romance becomes fear

This Japanese man's name is Hosono Masfumi. He took it upon himself to survey European rail system and boarded Titanic. He was very excited about opportunity to board this cruise ship, which at time was known as largest ship in world. After all, it was Paid Travel!

The only survivor of Japanese on Titanic endured insults all his life and endured until his death in order to reveal truth

As far as details of incident where Titanic hit iceberg, I believe that thanks to Uncle Cameron's film, most people will have enough pictures in their heads.

The climax of this film is not only love between Jack and Ruth, but light of humanity as "women and children get on boat first". Of course, this is indeed a historical fact. According to memories of survivors, reason they were able to survive was really because these gentlemen gave them a chance to survive.

However, you can't just look at everything superficially. As more information emerges about Titanic incident, more of truth is being revealed and countless details are being stripped away.

The only survivor of Japanese on Titanic endured insults all his life and endured until his death in order to reveal truth

Now we know that the phrase "women and children go first" also has a premise. Women and children here refers to women and children in first and second class cabins.

At that time, many women and children in third class cabin could not be saved. Even when passengers in first and second class cabins began to flee, doors of third class cabin had to be temporarily closed. One of tasks was to ensure that third class passengers did not "create chaos".

Various sources show that Titanic at that time was strictly hierarchical, and the right to life was also graduated, and reason why Masafumi Hosono can become a survivor is clearly stated in his diary " Arrived": because he is a second-class passenger.

The only survivor of Japanese on Titanic endured insults all his life and endured until his death in order to reveal truth

To preserve reputation of Japan, its high-ranking officials of Japanese Ministry of Railways, second-class treatment is minimum requirement. Precisely because he is a second-class passenger, he has a better chance of escaping.

As only Japanese survivor, Masafumi Hosono was ridiculed and "banned" like a knife by Western media.

Many newspapers "serve" it with front page headlines, using words such as "greedy for life and fearful of death, disgusting man in disguise, yellow-skinned man without spirit of a gentleman, long dead in people's hearts", these words are used to treat his mental spanking, even some Western countries explicitly stipulate that he is banned from entering country.

The Japanese, who have become a national humiliation

As public opinion continued to ferment, Hosono Masamori became a "national humiliation" in eyes of Japanese. He was not only fired from Ministry of Railways, but also deprived of his samurai. status.

The only survivor of Japanese on Titanic endured insults all his life and endured until his death in order to reveal truth

For a Japanese, this is indeed "spiritual torture" worse than death, but Hosono Masfumi still doesn't have slightest rebuttal.

So Hosono Masfumi died in 1939 with infamous status of a "fugitive". A few years later, truth was finally revealed to world: sudden discovery of diary of this Japanese man, who spent rest of his life in humiliation and depression, made people find out how Hosono Masamune survived.

When he learned that Titanic was going to sink, he really was determined to die. He even wrote a suicide note to his family. It has been confirmed that pen and paper in his suicide note are special items for Titanic and cannot be counterfeited. Moreover, in suicide note, his handwriting was very scribbled, which indicates that he wrote suicide note in a hurry.

The only survivor of Japanese on Titanic endured insults all his life and endured until his death in order to reveal truth

Secondly, first and second class priority principle mentioned above is also one of reasons Hosono Masamune can survive.

Another point: in Hosono's diary, Masamune also mentioned that he wore pajamas in Japanese national style. From movies and television dramas, we can understand that such pajamas are a little feminine, and height of Japanese is ordinary and short, in chaotic environment of that time, he was accidentally mistaken for a woman.

Among "crimes" listed by many Western media, biggest cause for anger is escape of Hosono Masfumi disguised as a woman, and according to testimonies recorded in his diary, there has never been a man dressed as man As for women's clothing, it's just an unfortunate misunderstanding.

The only survivor of Japanese on Titanic endured insults all his life and endured until his death in order to reveal truth

Regarding some media's claim that Hosono Masafumi boarded lifeboat after pushing other people, it was later revealed that this was "purely fabricated".

One of main reasons why Western media of 20th century distorted facts was that in their eyes, Asians seemed unworthy of applause and flowers, and they subjectively considered Asians to be cowards. This is undoubtedly main cause of racial discrimination in second half of Hosono tragedy.

Six people

Not only, to six Chinese survivors of sinking incident, Western media also imposed on them a number of "bullying public opinion", "greed for life and fear of death", "pull out lifeboat", "villains", these insulting words were constantly written on them.

The only survivor of Japanese on Titanic endured insults all his life and endured until his death in order to reveal truth

The truth is not like that at all. As third class passengers, they have no chance of getting on a lifeboat. Perhaps heavens could not bear their death in icy Atlantic Ocean. When they were desperate, dilapidated boat became a lifeline for five of them, and another was saved by a lifeboat that returned to save people.

It remains only to prove truth to Old Man of Time. Hosono Masamune's diary was made public and many people still didn't believe it until more and more evidence came out many years later, especially findings of some Western NGOs. “Finally, it has been revealed.

Believe that at this time he can really rest in peace. In same way, truth and justice that six survivors of our country wanted did not come true until 2020 because of documentary "Six", co-produced and produced by a British and an American.

The only survivor of Japanese on Titanic endured insults all his life and endured until his death in order to reveal truth

As only Japanese survivor of Titanic, he should have lived a happy life for rest of his life, but due to racial discrimination and unique "disregard and respect" for Asians in West during this particular historical period of hostility" which in turn led to Hosono Masamori's humiliation in latter half of his life. Although belated truth proved his innocence, it seemed extremely pale to him.

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