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Japanese Oiran: Status is more honorable than guests, and he has right to refuse guests, but he must retire at 28

Oiran is preeminent beauty in brothel and biggest number one in fireworks alley. In ancient times, although oiran was best harvested in oven, oiran was no different from regular chickens, except for maintenance fee.

Japanese Oiran: Status is more honorable than guests, and he has right to refuse guests, but he must retire at 28

Unlike ordinary female delinquents, oiran is a prostitute who was steered by an old bustard from very beginning to become a famous delinquent from very beginning, so it can be said that oiran is a highly professional criminal with a lot of outstanding charm. capabilities.

Although there is great discrimination against women who have lost a leg in many places around world, although Japanese oirans are historically categorized as women who have lost a leg, they have unique advantages.

Japanese Oiran: Status is more honorable than guests, and he has right to refuse guests, but he must retire at 28

Oiran is a professional prostitute whose level is higher than that of ordinary prostitutes. Although she has become a prostitute, she can choose object of prostitution according to her preferences. Why? Why did you decide to retire early at age 28?

Japanese oirans are different from other places. Japanese oirans have a more honorable status than customers. This is mainly due to fact that Japanese oirans belong to direction of private customization, and they are trained for different occupations and different hobbies. Therefore, services of Japanese oirans diversified.

Japanese Oiran: Status is more honorable than guests, and he has right to refuse guests, but he must retire at 28

Therefore, their professional level is naturally higher than that of ordinary celebrities. What are advantages of Japanese oirans being stronger than talented world celebrities?

The selection of Japanese oirans is very strict, and it is obvious that simply being beautiful cannot satisfy basic requirements of bustards.

In addition to being beautiful, you must also have a certain temperament, and direction of this temperament is naturally different, such as baby fat, loli, willow body, world-weary face, embarrassing eyebrows, etc. Industry made oiran is very popular.

Japanese Oiran: Status is more honorable than guests, and he has right to refuse guests, but he must retire at 28

This has naturally become a very good direction for old lady to get rich and improve her performance.

The old bustards not only find talents to become oirans from poor, but it is for these impoverished nobles that they are most willing to pay a high price.

In eyes of an old lady, a noble woman will have a unique aristocratic temperament and talent, with excellent genetics, so initial investment is slightly higher, but cost of subsequent training will be greatly reduced.

Japanese Oiran: Status is more honorable than guests, and he has right to refuse guests, but he must retire at 28

Girls from aristocratic backgrounds have a high success rate, so old bustard is also willing to spend more money on girls from poor nobles.

The chosen Oiran Miaozi practiced art courses such as various dances, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in Fengyue from very beginning. Of course, like mom's cash cow, these art courses are not just a pass, but a certain level must be achieved, otherwise threats and intimidation will drive inexperienced girls to faint.

Under influence of whips and sticks, acquired oiran seedlings must study hard and make progress every day, no matter what.

Oiran National Treasure

A few years ago, movie Memoirs of a Geisha was released, which reflected life of a Japanese geisha, causing many people to pay attention to Japanese geishas. The heroine of film is Sayuri, starring Zhang Ziyi, Japan's National Treasure Oiran Mineko Iwasaki.

Japanese Oiran: Status is more honorable than guests, and he has right to refuse guests, but he must retire at 28

Iwasaki Mineko is considered most typical and orthodox oiran in Japan. She was born into a famous family.

To keep family alive, Iwasaki Mineko's father reluctantly gave up his love and sent his daughter to a geisha hall where she began to train and train as a geisha.

As expected, Mineko Iwasaki lived up to high expectations. She is like a fish out of water in this industry. She not only plays piano, chess, calligraphy and painting well, but also dances well.

Japanese Oiran: Status is more honorable than guests, and he has right to refuse guests, but he must retire at 28

This made Iwasaki Mineko 64th geisha in history at age of 21 and an oiran of Japan's National Treasure level.

Gordon, an American student, once wrote book Memoirs of a Geisha through an interview with Mineko Iwasaki. In his opinion, geisha in Japan are both performers and themselves, but his works were appealed upwards by Mineko Iwasaki.

Iwasaki felt that Gordon was writing something completely unrealistic about himself, so Iwasaki rewrote and published book herself, but historically, being a professional geisha has been a complete package.

Japanese Oiran: Status is more honorable than guests, and he has right to refuse guests, but he must retire at 28

Regarding Mineko Iwasaki's complaints and Gordon's denial, some people support it and some people don't. As a National Treasure-level oiran, Mineko Iwasaki hosted not only president, but also queen and princes.

It can be seen that in eyes of Japanese, this oiran is a beautiful woman. Although time passed at age of 29, she bravely retired, got married and had children. So why did famous Mineko Iwasaki retire at time of her fame?

Young pensioners

If you want Mineko Iwasaki to provide services, you must be able to see her. Ordinary customers find it difficult to understand her opinion. This is difference between an Oiran woman and an ordinary woman who has lost her footing.

Japanese Oiran: Status is more honorable than guests, and he has right to refuse guests, but he must retire at 28

Iwasaki Mineko retired at age of 29, a year later than average oiran, why do you say he is a retired young man?

Because when Mineko Iwasaki retired, she was still very famous. According to development trend at time, if this industry continues, few will surpass it in three to five years.

The reason she chose to leave at this time is because she clearly understands her own position. In her 8 years of becoming an oiran, she realized freedom of wealth in her life, which is most important thing.

Japanese Oiran: Status is more honorable than guests, and he has right to refuse guests, but he must retire at 28

As darling of a wealthy family, her appearance fee was as high as $30,000. With addition of some artistic performances and various services, many people think that her all-inclusive service fee can reach a sky-high price of over $100,000. dollars, which far exceeds cost of many celebrities.

She decided to leave industry when she was at peak of her career, and no doubt it was an extremely wise choice to get married and have children. If this continues, let rising stars leave, leave industry in desperation, age is too old, and childbirth will become an elderly mother, and my choice will become less and less.

Japanese Oiran: Status is more honorable than guests, and he has right to refuse guests, but he must retire at 28

Compared to smooth sailing of Iwasaki Mineko, oiran has never had such a good fortune in history. straw hut three times" to share same bed


Historically, sex trade in Japan has been legal, as well as an important source of national taxation. It wasn't until Japan became a defeated country that sex trade in Japan was made illegal. Even though it is considered illegal, there is no significant punishment for it, so porn industry is still very developed in Japan.

Oiran in Japanese history, having become an oiran, although he can turn down customers he doesn't like, he can't avoid pain of selling his body.

Especially at age of 28, you will be photographed on beach near waves. Over years, you will become old and pale, and gradually turn into an inferior prostitute. Even though you have many diseases, you cannot get rid of all kinds of diseases on body. doomed to a tragic end in life.

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