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Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

A small wooden boat, a house on stilts, standing in water of leaves and wood, a vast and boundless sea.

Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

The Bayao people have long lived at sea and can be seen interacting with tourists in waters off Southeast Asia.

They do not belong to any country, they have been with sea for a thousand years, and fishing is main way to earn money.

If ordinary people live on water for a long time, their body will definitely not survive. But people of Bayao are different, they hardly come ashore for a thousand years.

Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

Perhaps after a long period of adaptation to environment, amazing changes occurred in their bodies, allowing human body to merge harmoniously with water. Some people think their evolution has gone beyond human existence.

Bayao people, children of sea

From moment of their birth, Bayao people have not belonged to any country. Most of them wander between waters of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and nearby countries without living in such a fixed place as duckweed. They use wooden boats as often as we use cars.

Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

Because they live in sea, they call themselves haisama. The people of Bayao are children of sea and their own masters.

Their livelihood depends on "treasures" obtained from sea to trade with land people. Since there is no fixed affiliation, no country can restrict its movement zones, and every Bajau can become a free businessman.

Due to prolonged exposure to sun at sea, skin of Bayao people became dark and dull. For this mysterious people who consider sea their home, there are naturally various legends about their origin with sea.

Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

Some people say that because Bayao people were afraid of being chased by monsters on land, they had to settle on sea; some people said that after disappearance of princess, guards who went out to look for her did not dare to go to land because they could not find princess;

It is also said that after princess disappeared, king asked soldiers not to return to land until they could find princess during day, so they stayed at sea; In sea there is no order to remember land...

All sorts of legends just to find legitimate reason for unique lifestyle of Bayao people at sea.

Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

Let world think that they are also normal people, not monsters and not some special race, but living in sea from helplessness, no different from ordinary people.

The people of Bayao are children of sea, as well as ordinary people who need money to secure their lives, just like us.

"Mermaid" who knows how to fish

The Bayao people have long lived by sea and are best known for their excellent diving and fishing skills.

Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

Others use a variety of fishing nets, harpoons, fish buckets, fish baskets, and other third-party tools to fish, while people of Bayao simply jump over and dive straight for fish.

According to statistics, the average person can hold their breath in water for no more than one to two minutes, and Bajau people can hold their breath in water for more than ten minutes.

Ordinary people can dive for no more than one or two hours with perfect diving equipment, but Bajau people only wear goggles, which are simply assembled from glass and wood, and a spear for hunting. water for about five hours.

Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

His extraordinary lung capacity makes people sigh. The Bajau people are born "mermaids" and are also good fishermen who are chased by sky to feed them.

The Bayao people's ability to dive is directly proportional to their ability to fish.

The long habit of entering water to catch animals in water has already taught their eyesight to be sharp. Ten minutes of holding their breath in water is enough for them to quickly determine size and location of prey, then spear flies out and prey is in their hands.

Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

Most of places where Bayao people live have become famous tourist attractions. They do not need to roam seas of various countries to earn a living, and they can earn enough by selling seafood to tourists every day. diet.

Moreover, if you recycle rare and high-quality goods, more you earn.

Bajau people are not a special race, they have same structure as ours. What is origin of these different abilities? Has their body undergone a new evolution?

Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

The appearance of new will be accompanied by death of something old, and this process must be overcome step by step through running of years.

Diving Mystery

Natural selection, survival of fittest. The extraordinary ability of Bajau people to dive once again fully confirmed Darwin's theory of evolution.

Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

Regular diving people have to worry about decompression sickness, eardrum damage, and even lung damage. How did people of Bajau overcome this and live with water for over a thousand years without going ashore?

It has been found that spleen of Bayao people is about one and a half times larger than that of residents living in surrounding lands. The spleen is an important organ that can hold its breath in water for too long.

According to Darwin's theory of evolution, body structure of Bayao people was no different at first, but because they lived in sea and made a living selling seafood, they had to dive into depths of sea dozens of times. meters every day to catch prey.

Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

Over time, weak ones, who cannot tolerate various diseases caused by diving, are eliminated, and rest become excellent, able to adapt to deep and long dives. Over time, secreted genes persist from generation to generation.

Because environment cannot adapt to humans, only humans can survive if they adapt to environment. Otherwise, if you blindly rush forward stubbornly and recklessly, this jungle world will not tolerate you.

In addition to fact that Bayao people have a larger spleen than ordinary people, if they want to dive deeper, they pay an unbearable price for ordinary people - piercing eardrum.

Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

They learned to dive and fish from age of four or five. It is no exaggeration to say that Bajau people live in sea and die in sea. Water accompanies them throughout their lives.

In order to catch prey in water to feed family, it is necessary to pierce eardrum affected by deep water to adapt to long-term underwater activities to reduce pain caused by water pressure.

Therefore, as Bayao people get older, damage caused by eardrum piercing gradually becomes more noticeable, and their hearing gets worse and worse, and they may even lose their hearing completely.

Ocean nomads: forced to make a living by creating a "special" body, evolution goes beyond human capabilities

While adapting to environment has given people of Bayao an exceptional diving ability, cost is not only time torture, but also physical damage.

Profits and losses often go hand in hand. No one can completely agree on balance of a bar. What we can do is wait quietly, check for omissions and fill in gaps, and try not to let loser outperform winner too much.


Later, in order to prevent people of Bayao from destroying fishing industry in sea without restriction and disrupting seafood market, some countries also promised to give people of Bayao citizenship and let them live on shore.

Some members of clan also agreed that even if fittest survives, they can adapt to a different environment.

Perhaps long process of adaptation and painful consequences made them realize that sometimes it would be more convenient to go other way?

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